Working with Self-Harm - The Counsellors Corner

Working with Self-Harm

Self-harm is a complex and sensitive issue that many individuals struggle with. As a therapist who has been working with clients who self-harm for over 10 years, I understand the challenges and the importance of providing effective support.  That's why I am thrilled to introduce my new card deck, Finding Freedom, designed to assist both therapists and clients in working with self-harm. 


I designed the deck to walk clients through an 8 step process to encourage reflection, cultivate motivation, deepen awareness, and facilitate change and recovery. Not only does this deck help clients address their self-harming behaviours, but it also plays a significant role in reducing shame by allowing clients to relate to the experiences and thoughts outlined in the deck, letting them know they aren't alone. This deck is designed to assist those who are ready to stop self-harming.

Step 1: Identifying the Need of Self-Harm

The first step in this process is to help clients identify the underlying need that their self-harming behaviour is meeting. By understanding the root cause, clients can begin to explore healthier alternatives to meet their needs.

Step 2: Exploring the Negative Consequences

Next, I feel it's important to delve into the negative consequences of self-harm. By shining a light on the harmful effects, clients can gain a deeper understanding of the impact their behaviour has on their overall well-being.

Step 3: Reasons to Stop

This step focuses on helping clients identify their personal reasons for wanting to stop self-harming. By clarifying their motivations, clients can strengthen their commitment to change.

Step 4: Potential Benefits of Stopping

Building on the previous step, clients are encouraged to explore the potential benefits of stopping self-harm. By envisioning a life, free from self-destructive and harmful behaviours, clients can find the motivation to persevere through the challenges of change.

Step 5: Finding Alternative Ways to Meet Needs

One of the key aspects of this deck is helping clients discover alternative ways to meet their needs. By exploring healthier coping mechanisms and strategies, clients can gradually replace self-harm with more adaptive behaviours.

Step 6: Building a Tool Kit

This step involves equipping clients with a variety of tools to support their journey towards change. From tracking their urges and self-harming behaviours to exploring distress tolerance skills, clients are empowered with practical resources and tools, delivered in bite sized pieces, to navigate their emotions and behaviours.

Step 7: Seeking Support

Recognising the importance of a strong support system, this step encourages clients to seek support from trusted individuals. Whether it's friends, family, or therapy groups, having a network of people who understand and validate their experiences can be instrumental in the healing process.

Step 8: Self-Compassion and Kindness

The final step focuses on cultivating self-compassion and kindness. Clients are guided towards developing a nurturing and understanding relationship with themselves, allowing for forgiveness, acceptance, and growth.

By incorporating this deck into therapy sessions, therapists can provide clients with a structured and comprehensive framework for addressing self-harm. The 8 steps outlined in this deck not only facilitate change but also create a safe space for clients to explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences without the burden of shame.

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